Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ok, so I have slacked off with this blog some and if I am going to get 365 different ways to make one bed done in 1 year, I better get with it.  I did take some pics the other day and posted them on my facebook album.  I am better at keeping that up, then this blog I reckon.  - but I know making one bed with the same things with many different looks can be done, I have already proven that...  365 ways might be a stretch, but I think I will get 'er done.  To be honest, I can hardly wait till the 365 days are over, I want NEW bed clothes/accessories....  It wouldn't have been so bad if I started off this year with all new things, but that's the thing, I have had my bed now for 3 years and that was when we got the comforter/shams and I made the quilts even before then.  so yeah...  need NEW things and then it should be much funner.  - but if you are on a tight budget or can't get new things, still making the bed doesn't have to be a drudgery and can actually be quite fun.  you don't have to start a blog and take pictures every day or nearly every day ok, every week, alright, once a month,,, ok 70 pictures in one day.... like I did.  - If God blesses you with a beautiful bed to sleep on, remember to give Him thanks, lot's of people all over the world do not have nice beds.  - Some do not even have places to call home.  - lp